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Directories (140)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
3DCAB_ Draw3D Cabinets2   ACAD_ AutoCAD R12 Dos C3 Patch2   ACAD_ R12 C3 Dos Patch Q & A2
ACADLAY_ Autocad Layer Utility2   ACADWIN_ Accelerated Video Upgra2   ARCHFONT_ V1.0 ACAD ArchFont2
ASTRUCT!_ v1.0e WYSIWYG Frame An2   AutoCAD_ R13c3 ASE Update C3A2   AutoCAD_ R13c3 Update C3DL2.EXE2
AutoCAD_ R13c3 Update C3DU2.EXE2   AutoCAD_ R13c3 Update C3MF1.EXE2   AutoCAD_ R13c3 Update C3WL2.EXE2
AutoCAD_ R13c3 Update C3WU2.EXE2   AutoCAD_ R13c3 Update Info Te2   AutoCAD_ R13c3 Update ReadMe2
AutoCAD_ R13c3 WHIP Driver Up2   AUTOCODE_ V1.0 CAM for AutoCAD2   AUTOLIB_ V1.0 AutoCAD SLB2
AVR2C2_ AutoVision R2c2 Update T2   BASSLINE_ Complex LineTypes, R142   BATCH_ 3 Utilities For AutoCAD2
BATCH_ Batch Plot For ACAD 20002   BatchTranslate_ For AutoCAD 20002   CADbench_ V12 CADalyst Benchmark2
CADbench_ V12 Support DWG's2   CADDVIEW_ V2.03 PCX To DXF Demo2   DARCH_ AutoCad Font2
DEMO_ 3D Sprocket Utility2   DEMO_ 3D Vessel ACAD Program2   DEMO_ AimaFast v2.4 ACAD Utiliti2
DEMO_ Architectural Block Lib2   DEMO_ Mechanical Design Guide3   DEMO_ SSDCP Structural Steel2
DEMO_ Steel Book for AutoCAD2   DEMO_ V1 3D Pipe Flange Designer2   DEMO_ V1 Tangent Line Generator2
DEMO_ V1.0 Isomak 132   DEMO_ V3.0 Simple Symbol System2   DTOOLS_ V 2.12b Dynamic Tools2
DWG_ 3D Setup For AutoCAD 122   DWG_ ANSI Washers, Screws, Nuts2   DWG_ AutoCAD Tolerance Symbols2
DWG_ Solid Models Collection2   DWGSETUP_ V2 ACAD Setup Utility2   DXF2DWG_ V3.1 Batch Conversion2
DXF5_ V5.3 NC Conversion Utility2   DXFX13_ R13 to R12 DXF Text2   DXFX13_ R13 to R12 DXF Translato2
ESNAPS_ V2.0 Osnaps For AutoCAD2   EZANGLE_ V1.1 Angle Utility2   FIXTURES_ V1.0 Menu & Slide L2
FLGFITT_ V 1.0 Steel Flanges2   GCODE_ V26 Gcode Generator 20002   GCODE95_ V23 CNC GcodeGenerator2
GEARFACT_ V1.0 Gear Factory Demo2   GenCode_V2.5a CNC Code Generator2   HATCH12_ Enhanced Hatching2
HATCH12_ Enhanced Hatching R122   HATCH13_ Enhanced Hatching R132   HATCH14_ Enhanced Hatching R142
HATCHLT_ Associative Hatching LT2   ILB_ V1 Layer_Block Manager2   INKBOX TOOLS_ AutoCAD Utility2
ISOLIB13_ V2.10 Fastener Library2   ISOTOOLS_ V1.0 Isometric Tool2   Keys_ V4.2.1 Keyboard Macro F2
KEYSOFF_ AutoCAD Function Key2   KEYSON_ AutoCAD Function Key2   LIBMAKER V3.0 Library Maker2
LISP_ Bearing Distance Extractor2   LispBASE_ V1.7 CAD Database Tool2   LWV11E_ V1.1 AutoCAD Legalwriter2
MAKESCR_ V1.2 Script Generator2   MAPC2_ R13c2 DOS_Windows Update2   MAPC2A_ R13c2a Windows_NT Wintab2
MAPC3A_ R13c3a Update Text2   MASSPLUS_ V1 Moment Inertia, DXF2   MASSPLUS_ V1 Moment Of Inertia2
METRDRAW_ V1.0 Convert Millim2   NESTER_ V4.0 Gcode & Nesting2   NUMBERS_ AutoCAD Line Number2
PATCH_ ACAD R12 Patch Q & A2   PATCH_ ACAD R12 Windows Patch 1_2   PATCH_ ACAD R12 Windows Patch 2_2
PATCH_ ACAD R12 Windows Patch 3_2   PATCH_ ACAD R12 Windows Patch 4_2   PATCH_ ADE R2.0 Drawing Cleanup2
PATCH_ AutoCAD R13a2   PATCH_ AutoCAD R13C4A Document2   PATCH_ AutoCAD R13c4a Instruc2
PATCH_ AutoCAD R13C4a Matrix2   PATCH_ AutoVision R2c2 Update2   PATCH_ R13c1 All Update 1_42
PATCH_ R13c1 All Update 2_42   PATCH_ R13c1 All Update 3_42   PATCH_ R13c1 All Update 4_42
PATCH_ R13c2 Locked DOS Update 12   PATCH_ R13c2 Locked Windows U2   PATCH_ R13c2 Locked Windows Upda2
PATCH_ R13c2 Shared DOS Update 22   PATCH_ R13c2 Shared DOS Update 32   PATCH_ R13c2 Shared DOS Update 42
PATCH_ R13c2 Shared Windows Upda6   PATCH_ R13c2 Unlocked DOS Update2   PATCH_ R13c2 Unlocked Windows Up2
PATCH_ R13c2a Windows_NT Wintab2   PATCH_ R13c2b Windows_NT Upda2   PATCH_ R13c3a DOS_WIN Locked2
PATCH_ R13c3a DOS_WIN Unlocked2   PATCH_ R13c4a DOS Locked 2_32   PATCH_ R13c4a DOS Unlocked 2_32
PATCH_ R13c4a Locked 1_32   PATCH_ R13c4a Shared 3_32   PATCH_ R13c4a Unlocked 1_32
PATCH_ R13c4a Win Locked 2_32   PATCH_ R13c4a WIN Unlocked 2_32   PLOGV_ V2.1 Plot Logging Utility2
PLOT-IT!_ V7.80 Batch Plotting2   PowerPLOT_ Lite for Windows3   PRINTGL_ V1.5 ACAD Plotter Emula2
PRINTMON_ WatchDog Print Monitor2   PURGE_ V2.34e Purge DWG Files2   RCLINE_ v2.52 Custom Linetype Ge2
READC1_ R13c1 Update Text2   READC2_ R13c2 DOS_Windows Update2   READC2A_ R13c2a Windows_NT Winta2
READC2B_ R13c2b Windows_NT Up2   READC3A_ R13c3a Update Text2   S3DFREE V3.0 2D_3D Fasteners2
SAVEIT!_ V 5.0 Batch Exporting2   SHX_ AutoCAD Text Fonts2   SLDMGR_ SlideManager V5.202
SLICK!_ V8.0 AutoCAD Viewer2   SLICK!LT_ V8.0 AutoCAD Viewer2   STEELIT_ V 1.0 Steel Detailing2
THRDFITT_ V 1.0 Threaded Pipes2   TIMESHT_ V 1.0 Time Invoices2   TTFTODXF_ V6.0 TT Font To DXF2
WINTAB_ V2.0 CalComp Tablet Driv2   XPLOT_ V3.68 AutoCad Plot Logger2

Text (1)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
url.txt Text File 1 15b 2014-12-11